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Student Led Clubs




All clubs at LCS require approval from the Building Administrator.

Club Requirements:
- All clubs are to be student-initiated.
- All clubs are required to have a staff member serve as the club advisor.
- All clubs must reflect the LCS Mission and Community Expectations.
- All clubs must have a service component.
- New clubs are required to have at least 10 committed members.

Clubs are encouraged to follow the 5 C’s of Positive Youth Development

The 5 C’s of Positive Youth Development
Connection: A feeling of safety, structure, and belonging; positive bonds with people and social institutions.
Confidence: A sense of self-worth and mastery; having a belief in one’s capacity to succeed.
Character: Taking responsibility; a sense of independence and individuality; connection to principles and values.
Competence: The ability to act effectively at school, in social situations, and at work.
Contribution: Active participation and leadership in a variety of settings; making a difference.

Click here to complete a Lincoln Charter Club Application


Club Fundraising

If you are interested in a club, group, or team participating in fundraising you must complete this form.  The form must be completed at least 48 hours in advance of the requested sale date(s).  No fundraising is approved until you receive an email with approval.  Provide as much information as possible for consideration.  

Money must be handled in a manner established by the Finance Department.  

Fundraising Form


Club Roster

Click on the campus links below to view the club offerings at each campus.

Denver High School

Denver Middle School

Denver Elementary School

Lincolnton High School

Lincolnton Middle School

Lincolnton Elementary School