Before School Care is currently only offered at the Lincolnton Campus this year. Please see this flyer for more information.
Lincoln Charter School offers the After School Program for students from Kindergarten through 8th grade at both our Denver and Lincolnton Campuses. Simply register on MyPaymentsPlus, and your student is eligible to join us. Once you are registered, you are free to utilize the After School Program as much or as little as fits your needs. You are only billed for the days your student attends.
The After School Program features:
We ask that you pick your After School Care student up by 6:00 pm each evening. This allows our cleaning crews to prepare the rooms for the next day’s classes. An additional $15.00 is charged for every 15 minutes a child remains past the 6:00 pm pick up time.
Denver After School Care Information
Lincolnton Before & After School Care Information